/BCO-DMO/Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes/hydrocast --lat eq -46.108-- Level 1

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# Southern Ocean Winter Cruise 2012: Hydrocast data
# PI: Daniel M. Sigman (Princeton)
# Version: 05 May 2015
# Samples collected by Sandi Smart (University of Cape Town)nd analyzed in  Slab at in the Sigman lab at in the Sigman lab at Princeton University
# Data published in: Smart, S. M., S. E. Fawcett, S. J. Thomalla, M. A. Weigand, C. J. C. Reason, and D. M. Sigman (2015), Isotopic evidence for nitrification 
#      in the Antarctic winter mixed layer, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 29, doi:10.1002/2014GB005013.
station  date        time    lat       lon       depth_mixed_layer  month  day  year  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
AM00009  07/14/12    1227    -46.108   4.951     122                07     14   2012  2012-07-14T12:27:00Z      
sample              depth     temp     sal     oxygen_corr  sigma_t   NO3_NO2_mean  NO3_NO2_stdev  d15N_NO3_NO2_mean  d15N_NO3_NO2_stdev  d18Ocorr_NO3_NO2_mean  d18O_NO3_NO2_stdev  NO3_mean    NO3_stdev  d15N_NO3_mean  d15N_NO3_stdev  d18O_NO3_mean  d18O_NO3_stdev  
VOY03CTD09_BTL060   29.18     6.71     34.06   6.70         1026.64   17.267        0.569          7.438              0.018               5.136                  0.068               16.877      0.235      7.729          0.036           5.157          0.059           
VOY03CTD09_BTL061   39.90     6.71     34.06   6.68         1026.64   17.319        0.385          7.424              0.049               5.201                  0.039               16.567      0.325      7.774          0.082           5.580          0.188           
VOY03CTD09_BTL062   59.74     6.71     34.06   6.69         1026.64   17.156        0.558          7.426              0.034               5.128                  0.139               16.905      0.257      7.687          0.037           5.319          0.135           
VOY03CTD09_BTL063   119.12    7.04     34.28   6.06         1026.78   19.147        0.586          6.520              0.034               3.916                  0.161               18.793      0.229      6.592          0.033           4.016          0.032           
VOY03CTD09_BTL064   138.61    7.14     34.36   5.88         1026.83   20.249        0.582          6.272              0.051               3.357                  0.206               19.838      0.048      6.256          0.041           3.764          0.133           
VOY03CTD09_BTL065   199.14    6.07     34.29   5.78         1026.92   23.933        0.798          6.048              0.028               3.040                  0.234               23.614      0.257      6.074          0.038           3.239          0.068           
VOY03CTD09_BTL066   296.30    4.61     34.16   5.93         1027.00   26.151        0.467          5.927              0.048               3.084                  0.036               26.234      0.393      5.921          0.052           3.210          0.192           
VOY03CTD09_BTL067   494.43    3.80     34.16   5.82         1027.08   28.573        0.366          5.792              0.029               2.772                  0.208               28.378      0.301      5.811          0.060           3.015          0.199           
VOY03CTD09_BTL068   742.39    3.14     34.26   5.10         1027.24   32.001        0.231          5.551              0.015               2.474                  0.073               31.720      0.178      5.578          0.071           2.550          0.119           
VOY03CTD09_BTL069   989.43    2.84     34.41   4.37         1027.39   33.738        0.331          5.339              0.019               2.213                  0.143               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD09_BTL070   1235.23   2.74     34.55   4.16         1027.52   33.125        0.159          5.221              0.030               1.806                  0.283               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD09_BTL071   1482.58   2.68     34.66   4.21         1027.61   31.673        0.288          5.101              0.022               1.999                  0.095               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD09_BTL072   1728.43   2.59     34.72   4.33         1027.68   30.561        0.653          5.049              0.036               1.856                  0.142               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD09_BTL073   1975.80   2.48     34.76   4.52         1027.72   29.152        0.256          4.983              0.025               1.856                  0.256               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd